Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Boy #1 (age 5): Mommy, I don't want to pay for toys with my money anymore because it wastes my money. I want someone else to buy them for me. Can't I just play with my money instead, and not spend it?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

In The Begining...

Last night we somehow started quoting lines from Rozenkrants and Guildenstern Are Dead, and had a dispute about a certain line. We looked it up online and found ourselves laughing hysterically. We came to the line "Stark raving sane." and I said, "that would make a good blog title." Well, it was already taken, so I changed it a little in the web address and here we are.

So...what is this blog all about?

Anything silly that the kids do that reflects (hopefully) normal family life.
Any odd thing I hear about that might be of interest or that I want to remember.
Whatever else I feel like posting about.